AGAIN!! And so it's Every Inchie Monday time and we
have to portray Wild on an inch square! I drew a mock
up for my normal embroidery of a stylised wild horse with
its mane flowing and I really liked it: which is why I've put a picture here for you to see what I mean - I liked the flowing lines but how to get them in embroidery because stitches tend to be straight! So I decided to try and couch a thread in flowing lines but the result was really disappointing and I am loath to even share it with you but here goes anyway - I've done it now so it seems churlish not to put it on!!
You can see I've lost those thin areas which make the horse so sleek in the drawing. So I decided to do another Wild Inchie and this time I racked my brains to think what would do for wild and so I opted for a wolf baying to the moon: I am more comfortable with this one.