Monday, 29 July 2013

Every Inchie Monday - Wild

I can't believe another week has gone by and it's Monday
AGAIN!!  And so it's Every Inchie Monday time and we
have to portray Wild on an inch square!  I drew a mock
up for my normal embroidery of a stylised wild horse with
 its mane flowing and I really liked it: which is why I've put a picture here for you to see what I mean - I liked the flowing lines but how to get them in embroidery because stitches tend to be straight!  So I decided to try and couch a thread in flowing lines but the result was really disappointing and I am loath to even share it with you but here goes anyway - I've done it now so it seems churlish not to put it on!!

You can see I've lost those thin areas which make the horse so sleek in the drawing.  So I decided to do another Wild Inchie and this time I racked my brains to think what would do for wild and so I opted for a wolf baying to the moon:  I am more comfortable with this one.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Every Inchie Monday - Fantasy

Once again it's Monday and this week's Every Inchie Monday challenge is Fantasy.  What to do in embroidery - as that's my favoured medium - that conjures up fantasy!  Well I was reading the Little Mermaid to Sophia the other day so I thought she would like me to do a Mermaid - so here she is!  Not Ariel as no red hair but although I think I bit off more than I could chew I managed it in the end!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Every Inchie Monday - Friendship

Well it's Monday again!!  Have had such a manic weekend with grandchildren here and the weather so gorgeous so no time for sewing except to make a dolly's dress!!  However now they are gone and in between trying to do the garden and weed a huge bed I keep nipping in for a cup of tea and to sew!  So this Every Inchie Monday the subject is Friendship and all I could think of was these two little girls I saw, sat in the dunes looking out to sea, with their towels round them, chatting.  Just seemed to say Friendship to me.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Every Inchie Monday - Story

The title of this Monday's Inchie on Every Inchie Monday is Story and I thought immediately of my daughter's favourite - Cinderella!  I felt that a glass slipper, a pumpkin and a wand would portray this story, but how to achieve it!! - on an inch square!!  I strated with a piece of pure white fabric as I always think of Cinder's ball gown as being white - although it looks pale blue in the picture! Actually having laid out the beads to try and get a slipper they sewed on pretty well but the pumpkin was a different matter and the green thread to portray tendrils and wheels of the "coach" as an after thought actually made it look so much better.  Sewing the word Cinderella was fiddley but having drawn a wand on in my sketch I didn't think I'd have room to sew one on but it looked lost without it so I threw caution to the wind, loaded my needle with gold thread and went for it!!  I really like it now!

Monday, 1 July 2013

More Catch Up Inchies - Life, Spring Meadow and Bicycle

Didn't have time to post all my catch up Inchies last week having finished them all now so here are the last 6  although I'm posting them in groups of three so at last I have done all the Inchie subjects from the beginning of the year for Every Inchie Monday

First is Life and don't you think the
germination of the bean just depicts life?

Next was Spring Meadow and this was one of my first inchies.
I think now I could do something different but at the time I just embroidered some beads over a tiny floral fabric.

And finally comes bicycle which I only completed last week being one of the more complicated inchies I've tried to do. I thought about how to do this for quite a while before I could do it! But finally realised that couching the thread in a circle for the rim of the wheel would be the easiest, then sew the spokes from the rim to the centre. Was actually surprised as this turned out much better than I imagined it would and was very enjoyable to do.

Last three Catch Up Inchies - Turtle, Track and Flowers

And here are the final three catch up inchies so I'm all up to date now and have 26 inchies completed to date! 

This is Turtle Inchie for May 6th.
Here is my Track Inchie for May 13th.  I really enjoyed doing this one although my railway lines have gone a bit wonky! And finally my flower Inchie is made with my preserved flower technique which I posted last week and is made with a real wild violet from my lane.  At last all inchies are completed.

Every Inchie Monday - Hour

I've been away for the weekend and had such a fabulous time, I'm so glad I did my Inchie for this week's Every Inchie Monday last week as I am absolutely shattered!!  However, this week's title is Hour and I couldn't think what I could sew on a one inch square!!  I was going to try and do an hour glass maybe in organza but then I decided to look at my fabrics for a base fabric and came across this one which looked like part of a clock with clocks in the distance!   I decided to do just part of the clock face and what better way to portray this subject than depicting the eleventh hour which is usually how I do everything!! Funny how this is the first time I haven't left it to the last minute - or The Eleventh Hour as they say!!
