Ha - it's the last Monday of the year!! Boxing Day in fact but it will be our Christmas Eve as all the family are coming to celebrate Christmas Day tomorrow!! We had a very quiet Christmas Day yesterday I really missed the joyful excited voices of the children early morning - although I dare say there will be plenty of that tomorrow morning!! Anyway here on Every Inchie Monday it is the last challenge of 2016 and the word is letter and what better way to portray it than with a post box complete with snow with a Christmas card half way in! I was so surprised to see nearly everyone else had done a letter of the alphabet!!! I never thought of that - always read it as a written letter to post!!
Anyway I hope you all had a really good Christmas and next week we will all be starting a New Year so have a Happy New Year everyone next Sunday. Thanks for stopping by and please check out all the other Inchie Makers work by clicking the link here
Monday, 26 December 2016
Monday, 19 December 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Ugly
I can't believe it's the Monday before Christmas!! I'd better get my skates on - still don't seem to be anywhere near ready! But today's Every Inchie Monday word is Ugly and as I was on a run with story books I came up with Hans Christian Anderson's little Ugly Duckling and so here he is, an ugly little duckling on the water reflecting how he will turn into a beautiful white swan.
Thanks for dropping by and may I wish you all a very merry Christmas - have a wonderful weekend. I'm sure we will and many thanks for any comments you leave - don't forget to check out the other inchie makers work.
Thanks for dropping by and may I wish you all a very merry Christmas - have a wonderful weekend. I'm sure we will and many thanks for any comments you leave - don't forget to check out the other inchie makers work.
every inchie monday,
Monday, 5 December 2016
Every Inchie Monday - 42
So here we are Week 49 on Every Inchie Monday and this week's challenge word is 42. As every word is from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy I can tell you that 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. However I didn't want to do the obvious and embroider the number so I sat (in Deep Thought my own computer!) and pondered what makes 42 and came up with 6 x 7 so I started doodling and made a star shape with 6 spokes and ended up putting 7 little lines on each spoke and ended up with this!
A snowflake!! So I thought I'd do it in beads and the only reason I am showing you my doodle is that the "snowflake" is a bit more precise than my beadwork!!! Here she is:
Quite hard to fit all those beads in but there are in fact 42 of them !! Thanks for dropping by and your lovely comments - I always enjoy reading them. Have a good week - shopping?! Good luck!
A snowflake!! So I thought I'd do it in beads and the only reason I am showing you my doodle is that the "snowflake" is a bit more precise than my beadwork!!! Here she is:
Quite hard to fit all those beads in but there are in fact 42 of them !! Thanks for dropping by and your lovely comments - I always enjoy reading them. Have a good week - shopping?! Good luck!
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Question
I thought and thought on this week's challenge word at Everyinchiemonday as I didn't want to just do a question mark. My husband suggested making a little book with Quiz book written on which I thought was brilliant but I have already done a poetry book so I wanted something different and then I thought of the most famous quotation about question from Shakespeare's Hamlet so here it is - I hope you can decipher it!!!
Hope you have a lovely week - by the way we had a brilliant Christmas decorating weekend with all the kids and grandkids and now have two beautifully decorated Christmas trees!! Thanks for dropping by and any comments you leave.
Hope you have a lovely week - by the way we had a brilliant Christmas decorating weekend with all the kids and grandkids and now have two beautifully decorated Christmas trees!! Thanks for dropping by and any comments you leave.
every inchie monday,
Monday, 21 November 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Lighting
Well we are at week 47! So near to Christmas it's making me edgy and the children are all coming this weekend to decorate the Christmas trees which are still pretty much wrapped up still in the attic!! So I have my work cut out for me this week!! With so many people here (12 in all with children and us) and decorations galore everywhere and feeding them all .... I feel exhausted just thinking about it!! Anyway this weeks challenge word on EMI is Lighting. It's always hard trying to transpose a word into a picture especially one that is one inch square! So I threw the word out to my family and someone came back with a "lighthouse" and that really appealed to me - what better way of portraying lighting - a light to keep ships from dangerous rocks and waters. Here is my inchie which I feel is a bit dull as it's supposed to be at night but hopefully you can see what it is.
I hope you all have a much more relaxing week than I'm going to have!! Thank you for all the lovely comments I get back it makes it all worth while.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Wormhole
Sorry I missed yesterday as was out all day but better late than never as they say. This week's challenge word at Everyinchiemonday is Wormhole!! Peculiar choice but then if it appears in Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy then it's totally acceptable!! I could only think of a worm popping his head out of the ground! So that's what I've done!
But there are some brilliant interpretations at EMI so please click the link to view them.
I have also been a busy bee this weekend and made a couple of cards for grandchildren whose birthdays are in November, I bought a few cheap dies from China on eBay - mind you I had to wait for them to arrive - but I've had great fun devising cards to use them on so here they are too.
Many thanks for visiting and your comments. I can't seem to write below the pictures, my blog page isn't allowing me to - it also won't put the pictures where I want them - side by side. Never mind hope you all have a lovely week.

But there are some brilliant interpretations at EMI so please click the link to view them.
I have also been a busy bee this weekend and made a couple of cards for grandchildren whose birthdays are in November, I bought a few cheap dies from China on eBay - mind you I had to wait for them to arrive - but I've had great fun devising cards to use them on so here they are too.
Many thanks for visiting and your comments. I can't seem to write below the pictures, my blog page isn't allowing me to - it also won't put the pictures where I want them - side by side. Never mind hope you all have a lovely week.

Monday, 7 November 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Cloud
Well I've been so late doing these inchies that I did this one about three weeks ago. Today's challenge word on Every Inchie Monday is Cloud and I had a fancy to do it in felting - so I had a go. What came to mind when I thought of this word were the first lines from Wordsworth's poem - "I wandered lonely as a cloud!" Of course the rest goes on, "That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils;" So basically that's what I tried to portray but my cloud was a bit obscure so I tried to lift it and make it more obvious but the more I tampered with it the worse it got - so this is how I left it!
Many thanks for viewing and any comments you leave. And don't forget to click the link to see more inchies.
Many thanks for viewing and any comments you leave. And don't forget to click the link to see more inchies.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Coastline
This week's challenge word at Every Inchie Monday is Coastline. I used to live on the south coast as a child and coming into Dover on a boat from France it was always a joy seeing the white cliffs - so that's what I chose to portray. Memories always help with these challenges and it makes it very enjoyable.
There does deem to be a bit of a nautical theme going here - my last four inchies have included the sea! will have to try land for the next one! Thanks for dropping by and any comments you leave - it's always fun reading what you think - thank you.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Pirate
I loved doing this one. When I saw this week's Every Inchie Monday challenge word "Pirate" - I immediately thought of Captain Hook in Peter Pan - he's such a great character so I wanted to do a hook against a sea background but unfortunately when I had completed it - (not using a fishing hook as first intended, I had to bend a gold pipe cleaner but then was informed Captain Hook's hook is silver so I had to embroider it!!) well it looked empty - the hook alone just didn't do it - so I was wondering what else to put in my inch to make it look like Captain Hook when I saw one of DeeDee's feathers on the floor! (DeeDee is my white umbrella cockatoo) So I thought - "hat and a plume" - so that's what the red bit at the side is supposed to be - the brim of the hat with the feather or plume coming off and the black ringlets at the side of his face!!! I hope now I've explained it you can see what it's supposed to be!! I had to do bullion stitches to get the ringlets - not easy I can tell you!! especially at the edge of the inchie! So here is Captain Hook:
And here is DeeDee!
Thanks for dropping by and your comments I had some lovely ones last week so many thanks for those. Don't forget to visit all the other magnificent mini works of art by clicking the link here. Hope your week is a good one.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Dinosaur, Direction and Horizon
This has been such a task for me trying to get these inchies done for Every Inchie Monday and yet when I do finish them I feel so good!! And that's why I persevere even though I don't have time for them! Here again are three inchies. My missed one for Dinosaur which I had started on the Monday and each time I tried to finish it something came up! So then I was trying to do two for the following week and I actually had in mind to have a sign post for "Direction" on a beach with the sea behind - I was all ready to put the sign in place when I realised that this week is Horizon and the scene with the sea as the horizon was ideal, so then I had to make another background for my signpost and I chose the sand dunes!! So I finished them all yesterday afternoon after having been out for lunch with the family so I was nice and relaxed and was able to sit in the bay window with lovely light to sew by and not having a kitchen to clear up and washing up to do or anything!! And so here they are.
Don't forget to mosey on round to view the other inchie makers work and thanks for dropping by and any comments you leave. I love being able to share my work and really will now try and make an effort to be on time!!
Monday, 26 September 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Infinity and Briefcase
Where is all this time going? Another week missed but not for trying - I rather scuppered myself in the execution of last week's challenge! Infinity was the challenge word and apart from the mathematical sign I could only think of one character who said "To Infinity and Beyond!!" Of course Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story - one of my grandchildren's favourites. However - how to get him on an inch in embroidery! Then I saw the Antiques Roadshow where they showed a beautiful embroidery done in silk of a lion snarling and a tiger, doing the same, by a Chinese embroiderer and it was magnificent and I thought it's like painting with thread - I could do that! - What was I thinking!!!.... der!! I started it on Monday - then got called away - tried again Wednesday then had to do a fill in job for someone who was ill on Thursday, we were in Birmingham Friday and had little Milly to look after at the weekend! Hence I only finished him last night and wished I'd never started him but it was too late to start again so here he is mistakes and all!! It is very difficult to see where the stitches go in real time - it's not till I take a photo of it and put it on the computer I realise how the stitches aren't quite true!! Of course it's too late to try and correct it then so this is what I'm going with.
And then on to this week's EveryInchieMonday challenge - Briefcase. I chose to do my dad's old briefcase that I remember him going off to London with every morning on the train - it was a Roman Italian leather briefcase with a snap fastner at the front - actually a more rounded shape than my inchie has portrayed but you never know how it's going to pan out and this bit of material came from a painting apron in the mending box - one of the ties had come loose so before mending it I cut a tiny bit off the end and there was my briefcase!!
Have a good week - ours has started with pouring rain but I have a multitude of things to do in the house so it doesn't bother me. Thanks for calling by and for your comments and don't forget to click the link and see all the other amazing things people make.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Sky
I have had such a whirl wind of a time as it was my daughter's 40th Birthday last Thursday and we planned a family surprise weekend away in a beautiful old 16th Century Farmhouse complete with old beams and creaky floorboards to celebrate it!! It was the surprise bit that kept me working all last week and the week before cooking for the freezer, making her cake last week, (well helping my other daughter make it - like cleaning up after her!!) and packing the car with everything we would need for three days! I didn't know what was supplied at the Farmhouse so I took everything in case it wasn't there! People thought we were going away for a month!! Anyway it all went really well, lovely surprise and a great family weekend so I just thought I'd put a snap shot in to show the lovely beams in the kitchen and Charlie having just blown out her candles with the rest of the family looking on - well some of them!
So now I should actually have time to do some of my crafting that has been on hold for a few weeks. This week on Everyinchiemonday our challenge word is sky. I had plenty of ideas for this one but when I went to my room and was looking for a suitable blue material I found a blue Moda which looked like it had clouds in it then I found a piece of wavy mottled brown which looked like a hill so hey presto that's what I went with. I had an idea to felt a bit of fluff on for a fluffy white cloud but then I thought it needed something else so I put a balloon in too!
Nice to be back and hopefully I'll actually have time to leave you some comments - many thanks for your comments and for visiting.
Monday, 5 September 2016
Every Inchie Monday - "Mice" plus Catch up Inchies - Whale, Fjord, Dolphin and Petunia
Well it's good to be back! Summer holidays - more like summer work!! No time to spend on inchies at all - they just kept sliding to the bottom of my list!! However I finally caught up this Sunday when I actually had time to myself ... so in order - my first picture is of a Narwhal whale - my husband couldn't make out what it was even though it was his idea!! Apparently I haven't shown enough of the whale coming out of the water but then I would have had to cut his tusk off as it wouldn't have fitted, it's supposed to be an icy sea with ice floating and icy land!
Next is the Fjord - my version of the Sognefjord in Norway complete with waterfall!
Dolphin was the next week I missed so here's the classic leap out of the water.
Last week's challenge word was Petunia and I just love this dual coloured version.
Next is the Fjord - my version of the Sognefjord in Norway complete with waterfall!
Dolphin was the next week I missed so here's the classic leap out of the water.
Last week's challenge word was Petunia and I just love this dual coloured version.
And finally this week's challenge on Every Inchie Monday is "mice" so I did the two little white mice who are the whole intelligence of the Universe according to HHGTTG!!
So sorry I've not been able to leave comments - I will get round to it when I get a chance and if you leave comments for me then I really appreciate them - thanks for calling by and don't forget to visit all the other inchie makers wonderful work.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Underground and Sheep
Hi guys, sorry I've not been around. Missed last week's as I had five grandchildren staying the youngest being 19 months and the most unruly of them all!! She is entering the terrible two's too early and does not like the word NO!!!! Anyway I didn't get a chance to sit and sew and by the time they'd all gone by the Sunday I was so exhausted I couldn't do a thing except vegetate in front of the telly!!! However, today I managed to get both inchies done plus two birthday cards so am feeling a bit more myself. Firstly there is last week's everyinchiemonday challenge word Underground. I wanted to do a train coming out of a tunnel in an underground station but didn't get as far as doing the train - it seemed superfluous actually so it's just a tunnel going underground!
And for this week's challenge the word is Sheep so instead of doing loads of French knots which I have done before I wanted to do something different. I saw a picture of a sheep with curly hair all round it's face and I had some curly wool tops so I thought I'd use them. They were a bit too large for the one inch square so I had to tease them a bit and sew them down, plus draw the sheep's face on a piece of felt but the shading didn't show so I had to try and embroider it on - in the photo the thread for shading looks green!! I'm sorry too that the wool curls have slightly extended over the square one inch base - hope it still counts!! Anyway it's good to be back, thanks for dropping by and any comments you leave, it's great to hear from you.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Spiral
What wonderful weather to come home to!! It's just like being in France still!! In fact I've been so busy in the garden I forgot to post this week's Every Inchie Monday challenge which is spiral. I think it's because I did this one before I went to France so I wouldn't be in a panic this week and I'm jolly glad I did because my attic is sweltering and I cannot craft in this weather up there!!! I tried to make a snail with couched wool which should have got bigger nearer the edge - however it didn't look like a snail but it is a spiral so I'm not going to try and rectify it!
I sincerely hope you are all enjoying lovely weather too, thanks for dropping by and your comments, it's great to hear from you and my apologies for not leaving any comments on your blogs last week - I was a bit occupied and the wifi was intermittent so when I did try it didn't work - got rather frustrating so I gave up but I will try and visit this week.
Monday, 11 July 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Rain
Well a very apt Challenge word on Every Inchie Monday this week! It has poured down all last week and was still raining when we left! Believe it or not I am now in France and hooray although the forecast was rain - it is actually hot and sunny! Even when we flew here yesterday it was from a very rainy Birmingham but when we arrived in Bergerac it was like stepping into an oven - so lovely after all that rain!! And after an hour in the car - what a lovely journey through the hills of the Lot valley - we were able to sit out in the sun during the afternoon and swim it was gorgeous. So my inspiration for this one was a painting by Annette Spinks called Melbourne Rain - Under the Umbrella - I loved it and thought to me it really depicts rain!! I used an off cut of pretty turquoise rayon that was my bridesmaids dress that I wore to my sisters wedding 51 years ago!!! (Of course in those days we made everything ourselves!! And of course I still have the material left over in my stash!) This actually is quite pertinent to this week's blog as I am actually staying with my sister who now lives in France!! Well the rest is obvious - some black material for the umbrella and person and silver thread for rain - on such a small piece of work you can only do so much otherwise it gets too crowded but it's my interpretation of this painting. (Unfortunately the colour is muted in the photograph - in flesh it is more turquoise than the photo shows)
Hope your day gets better weather-wise and the rest of the week is sunny. Thanks for visiting and all your comments, it's so nice to read them all.
Hope your day gets better weather-wise and the rest of the week is sunny. Thanks for visiting and all your comments, it's so nice to read them all.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Computer
Hi guys, Monday again and this weeks challenge word for Every Inchie Monday is Computer which apart from an image of a box or screen was not exactly scintillating! So I tried to think of what computer meant to me and every time I start my computer it comes up with the windows sign - very pretty in red, green, yellow and blue. I am sure many others have chosen this emblem but I thought I would try and replicate it in material - and the challenge for me was finding material that graded in colour so I could get the light and shade of the wavy squares. This took me quite a while but I managed it in the end from flowered material where the flowers were dark at the edge getting paler towards the middle, the blue was the hardest - I don't seem to have much in blue!! The actual sewing bit took me ten minutes! Anyway here is my inchie and thanks for dropping by and all your wonderful comments. Don't forget to click the link and visit other inchie makers fine work.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Physics
Well this Monday's challenge word at Every Inchie Monday is Physics! I actually did this one a couple of weeks ago as I knew I wouldn't have time as I had my little granddaughter all week and then was away for a long weekend in Guernsey - which was really good. We got back yesterday. It's a difficult concept anyway to put in picture form let alone embroidery, but having looked at some of your inchies briefly, when I got the everyinchiemonday link, I see this one has been done before!! I couldn't embroider a formula and not knowing what else I opted for the Physics logo -into which I could incorporate some beads and we all love beads! So here goes, sorry it's not imaginative - the challenge for me was getting the lines to be thick and thin - a bit fiddly until I ran out of green thread at the end of the green thin line so the join is a bit untidy. Have a lovely rest of the week - it's absolutely chucking it down here - haven't seen rain like it for a while - stair rods - which is up and coming in two weeks!! Thanks for visiting and all your lovely comments.
Monday, 20 June 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Party
Well as I knew I would have my 18 month old granddaughter staying all weekend, and she's still with us, I did this one last week and I didn't put too much off-the-wall thought into this, I just wanted to do the paraphernalia of a party as in the balloons, confetti and bunting - my challenge was making a balloon out of fabric and I did try to make it out of organza so it would shine like a balloon but when I tried to stick two bits together to get the depth of colour, the glue dulled it, so I ended up trying to manipulate a folded piece of organza into a balloon shape but I have to say it was very fiddly and took me ages so even though the end result isn't as I expected I am stuck with it as I had no more time. The nice thing is that I showed my inchie separately to my husband and two daughters and each of them guessed this week's every inchie monday challenge word "Party" so I guess it does portray it. Thank you for visiting and your comments, hope you have a nice week.
Monday, 13 June 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Radio
Well I must admit that the challenge words are beginning to leave me less than inspired!! In fact so much so I wasn't even going to do this one!!! Then on Saturday I was clearing out one of the children's bedrooms that I use for ironing now and as it has my son's old bunk bed with a work station underneath it has become a storage area for all manner of things that have no "homes", so I decided it was time to have a clear out. And guess what turned up? An old radio that my father-in-law gave us one Christmas back in the 90's. Here is a picture of it.
I remember it well as we were so excited - we love old things and plugged it in to see if it worked only to have Winston Churchill's unforgettable voice intoning his "we will fight on the beaches" speech!! We all stood stunned and our expressions must have mirrored one another with a "What the ...!" expression. It was uncanny and quite creepy - here we were turning on an old radio from the war and over the air came the most famous wartime speech!!! And then when it ended a familiar DJ came on and we understood it was a program about famous speeches!! But what a bizarre coincidence. So being as our challenge word for Every Inchie Monday this week is Radio I decided to use this radio as my subject. Here is a picture of my efforts, obviously not exact but that's because it's so small sometimes one forgets little things until a picture is taken and it is blown up - then you see all the faults!!! Nobody's perfect!
Thank you for visiting and all the comments you leave - I love reading them.
I remember it well as we were so excited - we love old things and plugged it in to see if it worked only to have Winston Churchill's unforgettable voice intoning his "we will fight on the beaches" speech!! We all stood stunned and our expressions must have mirrored one another with a "What the ...!" expression. It was uncanny and quite creepy - here we were turning on an old radio from the war and over the air came the most famous wartime speech!!! And then when it ended a familiar DJ came on and we understood it was a program about famous speeches!! But what a bizarre coincidence. So being as our challenge word for Every Inchie Monday this week is Radio I decided to use this radio as my subject. Here is a picture of my efforts, obviously not exact but that's because it's so small sometimes one forgets little things until a picture is taken and it is blown up - then you see all the faults!!! Nobody's perfect!
Thank you for visiting and all the comments you leave - I love reading them.
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Robot and Ghastly
Since I missed last week, as I was child-sitting four grandchildren and with this wonderful weather we were swimming, barbecuing and picnicking all the time, I failed to get my robot inchie on the link in time as we had to take the children home on Sunday and I got back Monday! So I am posting it with this week's inchie for the everyinchiemonday challenge word Ghastly - hope you don't mind!! By the way the wedding went very well indeed and even the weather was kind to us. So for a robot I just loved the idea of doing K9 the dog robot and although I'm not sure he did have red eyes I thought it put a bit of colour into the inchie plus the 9 looks more like a 7 but that's because I couldn't see where to sew!
For my ghastly inchie I looked up the definition of ghastly, as frankly all I could think of was a rubbish tip which I think is ghastly but a bit difficult to portray on an inch!!
The definition is: causing great horror or fear; terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, dire, distressing, pale, ghostly, shocking, appalling, gruesome, grisly. And so I think my ghastly inchie just about describes all those words, although having seen the photograph it loses something in the eyes as the beads I used glow and are quite piercing but they have been dulled by the photo!! Even my husband commented how could such a small thing be so frightful!! Hope you are all well and enjoying all this lovely sunshine and thank you for visiting and any comments you leave. Please make sure you click the link to view other ghastly inchies!!!
For my ghastly inchie I looked up the definition of ghastly, as frankly all I could think of was a rubbish tip which I think is ghastly but a bit difficult to portray on an inch!!
The definition is: causing great horror or fear; terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, dire, distressing, pale, ghostly, shocking, appalling, gruesome, grisly. And so I think my ghastly inchie just about describes all those words, although having seen the photograph it loses something in the eyes as the beads I used glow and are quite piercing but they have been dulled by the photo!! Even my husband commented how could such a small thing be so frightful!! Hope you are all well and enjoying all this lovely sunshine and thank you for visiting and any comments you leave. Please make sure you click the link to view other ghastly inchies!!!
Monday, 23 May 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Button
This one seems too simple, challenge word for Every Inchie Monday is button!! Just sew on a button to an inch! So I was going to make it more difficult and try and make a raised button and embroider something like "push" or "on" as in a button on a computer but .... my son gets married next Saturday, we have a wedding cake to make, I have to iron shirts and dresses, make a card and get the house ready for four children who are coming on Sunday for their half term whilst new mummy and new daddy go on their honeymoon!! So I'm afraid I went for the easiest route and it's a button on a piece of one inch material, however since I didn't have any antique buttons or anything remotely interesting I chose a button that made me smile - a little owl that I purchased at a show last year. I tried sewing it on with the contrasting red thread but it made the owl look like it had a grim little mouth!!! The matching light blue isn't much better but maybe not so bad! Thank you for dropping by and for any comments - I love to read them they make it all worth doing and please click the link to view the other button inchies.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Three - Dimensional
Hello fellow Monday Inchie makers and this week's challenge word is Three dimensional, which gave me cause for concern! Having tried to find the reference to it in the HHGTTG I was faced with mostly abstract concepts, 3D maths, 3D Space, 3D Graph, 3D Integrated ciruit, 3D quartz phenolic, 3D tactics analysis ... need I go on? There were two possibilities - 3D chess and 3D face recognition but what the heck - in embroidery?! So I did my own thing - don't know where it came from but I imagined a rabbit coming out of hat - like magic and in 3D!! So here goes - the hat is stiffened felt and that didn't go too badly but making the little rabbit small enough was my problem this is 3'rD time lucky (get the pun?) My felted rabbit was too big and scruffy, my second crocheted and sewn was too big as done in double knit so split the wool and did it again and got a smaller bunny but she is still a bit too big - anyway I've sewn her with a string attached so I can pull her out and then pull the string to bring her back into the hat but she's still peeping! Unfortunately the photos never show them to their full worth - she is much cuter in the flesh when you see her!
Have a lovely week - the sun is shining here and all is good - My husband and daughter took me out yesterday and, with only two weeks to go I managed to get my mother-of-the-groom outfit... everything, shoes, hat and bag as well and as a birthday surprise when I came out of the changing cubicle my son and new wife-to-be with their combined 4 children were all there as a surprise to take me to lunch! It was wonderful. Actually today is my birthday so I am off to enjoy it now. Thank you for visiting my blog and all your lovely comments - they keep me going and don't forget to visit all the other inchie makers talented blogs by clicking the link.
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In - but that's as far as she will go in! |
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Out |
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she looks like she's got a carrot nose! |
Monday, 9 May 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Brain
So today's challenge word over at Every Inchie Monday today is Brain! I really didn't want to do loads of coils of grey matter - in fact I find the brain pretty repulsive to look at even though it's such a wonderful organ so I thought of the degrees of braininess, from a university student receiving their honours, to a not so smart arse who years ago were degraded by wearing a hat too, usually stood on their chair in the corner! So here are the two hats of someone who has a brain and uses it and someone who does not!
Please visit all the other creative inchie makers by clicking the link. Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments - I love reading them they make my day!
Please visit all the other creative inchie makers by clicking the link. Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments - I love reading them they make my day!
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Monkey
Hi guys, hope you all had a lovely Bank Holiday Monday about which I got confused and thought was Sunday so today is Monday in my book!!! But it seemed to be a lovely long weekend!! Was planting stuff most of the time in the greenhouse as it was still so cold but today has been much nicer so it was lovely sitting sewing in the bay window today! Yesterday's word for Every Inchie Monday is Monkey and as there doesn't seem to be a lateral way of thinking for this word - (except perhaps doing one of my cats or grandchildren who are all little monkeys) - I have embroidered a proper monkey hanging by its tail from a branch (just in case you couldn't make it out!!)
Enjoy the rest of the week which I believe is going to get warmer - hooray! Please click on the link to view other people's one inch creations and thanks for stopping by and for your comments.
Enjoy the rest of the week which I believe is going to get warmer - hooray! Please click on the link to view other people's one inch creations and thanks for stopping by and for your comments.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Big
Hi guys! Over at Every Inchie Monday this week the challenge word is Big. I was going to do a big wave with a tiny person surfing on it!! However I have done a wave on an inchie before so when my sister-in-law, who is staying with me this week, suggested an oak tree .... I thought very nice, all big things come from acorns!! So here is my oak tree but I think I got a bit carried away with sewing the bluebells and hedges and acorn in the corner. As they say less is more! Think it looked better with just the oak tree but I wasn't going to unpick it!! Please click on the link to view all the other great inchies and thanks for visiting.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Poetry
Where does the week go? On Every Inchie Monday this week the challenge word is poetry! Had this one sorted but no time to execute it and on top of that I had two ideas and went with both! I know that the poetry in the book HHGttG was supposed to be really bad and made everyone very ill but if you say poetry to me I always think of Rudyard Kipling's poem IF. I heard it recited on Parkinson's years ago and was so impressed by it so my first effort is a tiny poetry book with the title of that poem it goes like this:
If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait but not be tired by waiting, or be lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty second's worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait but not be tired by waiting, or be lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty second's worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
My second inchie is a mantra that I say to myself that was used in a motivational speech my husband gave and it has served me very well. Hence I wanted to share it with you guys. Thank you for visiting and have a great day.
Monday, 11 April 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Fish
Fish is a prominent word in our household as we have two aquariums plus a big pond with koi carp and two outdoor natural ponds with newts and frogs! My 16 month old granddaughter can say dada and muma and ganda (granddad) and nana but after that it's all gobbledygook except after her last visit with us when we took her to feed the koi carp - now she puts her hands out and says "ish, ish" in other words she wants to go feed the fish! Her first proper word! Anyway for Every Inchie Monday this week's word is fish and I opted to take the word in its context in the book, and so this is supposed to be the moment when Ford Prefect slipped the Babel Fish into Arthur's ear so he could understand the aliens - I wish there really was such a thing, I would love to be able to understand all languages everywhere! Hope you have a lovely week even though we've been forecast rain ALL week!
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Every Inchie Monday - Grandmother
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