Hi - I thought I would love doing this one but I have so many dogs to choose from because we've owned 13 in the 42 years we've been married, 6 of which we rehomed, and going down memory lane was lovely but hard too. I must have penned five different inchies but then my daughter came in and said why don't you do Jeff's signature? Hmmm! Jeff is our latest rehomed dog, a collie and he really belongs to my daughter although since she lives with us he does too - so he belongs to all of us really! However when she signs cards she signs herself, her dog with a little doodle and her cat Django with a little doodle. So here is Jeff's little doodle signature and a picture of himself!
Thanks for dropping by and any comments you leave, make sure you stop by at everyinchiemhttp://everyinchiemonday2012.blogspot.co.uk/onday and view other inchie makers work by clicking the link.
Monday, 23 January 2017
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Every Inchie Monday -Cat
And it's Wednesday instead of Monday I hear you say! Yes well I've been doing the dreaded accounts - they have to be in by the end of the month and my accountant is screaming for them and what with not being well and trying to get rid of any evidence of Christmas it's been a long haul. So I'm afraid my little inchies are taking back place at the moment! However I had to do cat since I have five of them!! I have two tabbies, one, Maverick, has the Bengal fishing cat in him and he's enormous weighing in at 6-7 kilos! The other is a dumpy little thing, Maddy (short for Madam since she is one and rules all the others!!) that we found on the road one night as a kitten almost starved to death. Then there's poor old Figgy (short for Figaro as he looks like the cat in Disney's Pinnochio) black and white and old -16 now. Then come the newest two a result of my daughter working at the local vet's! Ferris is a black and white, I think they call them tuxedo cats, born of a little cat that was run over and brought into the vet's only to discover she was about to produce 3 little kittens. They homed two easily but the last was left and so she brought him home and of course he stayed and then 4 weeks later another little kitten was brought in, completely black only 2 weeks old, his mother and siblings had just been slain by a farmers Jack Russell but when he discovered the little survivor he brought him in to the vets. My daughter happened to be there and after the vets had decided nobody could give him the time so they were going to destroy him, again my daughter came to the rescue and she fed him every two hours, walked around with him in a hat tied round her neck like a little sling and he nestled in there, went to work with her, slept with her and this was 18 months ago. Now he has grown into a lovely little cat black with long hair and his name is Django!! So, I could only choose one cat and I opted for Ferris as he has a rather cute face with half a white moustache and the most beautiful green eyes, white bib and four white paws. So here is my version and I added a picture of him poddling on the bed!

Thanks for visiting, and sorry to bore you with all my cats! Please visit other inchie makers work at everyinchiemonday by clicking here. Thank you for your comments they mean a lot to me. Enjoy the rest of the week - I still have to finish the accounts!
Thursday, 12 January 2017
Every Inchie Monday - Hamster
Late again!! - That should have been last week's start for Rabbit!!! This week the challenge word on EMI is Hamster! I had such great aspirations for this one including a bit of stuffed technique from behind which didn't materialise - I keep forgetting how small an inch is! Plus I went down with one horrendous cold, flue, cough - whatever I seem to have had the lot with no sleep for two days through coughing fits! And it's still not gone but I have summoned enough energy today to actually try and make my little hamster which didn't go as well as planned but now I quite like the little fellow. I probably should have made him from felt but the colour I wanted was downstairs in a project I'm working on and I was in the attic! So I opted for cotton and decided to sew it on rather than bondaweb it so that I could stuff his cheeks but in cutting him out his ears got lost and his mouth went wrong and well I just ended up sewing and sewing until he looked like a hamster eating a bit of lettuce! Then I photographed him went to put him on my blog and realised I'd forgotten his whiskers so had to correct that and take another photo which was then out of focus!! Oh back and forth and the light is now fading - what a palaver! Anyway here he is and thank you for dropping by and any comments you may leave - I really enjoy reading them and being part of this group. Don't forget to check out the other Inchers ( I think that was your word for us Wendy!) work by clicking here.
Oh and by the way, I think I wrote on someone's blog that my New Year's Res was to finish some of the many projects I'd started over the past 20 years! So I thought I'd share with you my first finished project of 2017 which I started at Christmas 2014 having got a little kit for a bookmark in my stocking that year. It has gone with me all over the place over the last two years ready to bring out when I was bored or stuck in a hotel with nothing to do. So having finished the crosstitch part which is always the bit I enjoy it was the putting together that was my onus and which I'd been putting off so I sat down on 3rd January and made myself finish it and I am now using it in a book I am reading!!
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
Every Inchie Monday 2017 - Rabbit
Hey everyone - Happy New Year. I couldn't get my inchie done for yesterday as I still had a houseful of guests but at last we are on our own and I was able to sit and do my first inchie of 2017 this afternoon. I did a rabbit coming out of a hat last year for 3D - shame I couldn't use that! However years ago when my 30 year old was a babe I made her a pair of needlecord dungarees and did a motif on the bib of three little rabbits in something called linear embroidery which you can do on any striped fabric or needlecord or courdroy. Basically you sew in the ditch either split stitch or chain stitch. Now when I originally did it my little bunnies were about two inchies so there was much more definition and here I have tried to do it on an inch!!! Not so obvious but having gone down that route or as Magnus Magnusson used to say "I've started so I'll finish" that was the case with me - so what I've done will stick now! There are some superb little rabbits so please go visit the other inchie makers works of art by clicking here. But here is my little fellow.
Thanks for any comments you leave I really like hearing from you.
Thanks for any comments you leave I really like hearing from you.
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