I saw a DVD on crazy patchwork and it made me want to have a go. Since my sister is always losing her glasses, putting them down and forgetting where she left them I thought I would make her a glasses case to hang around her neck! The crazy patchwork seemed an ideal base and I had a whole load of tiny pieces of sample materials which I ordered in the '90's via mail order - apparently you can't do this anymore. It used to just cost a self-addressed stamped envelope!! - not any more!! So I spent one Friday afternoon having a lovely time stitching these tiny bits together onto a base material which you don't see - This was the result.....

I then cut this down to the size I wanted with a quarter inch allowance for sewing together and then placed the trimmings on with a flowing movement - well that's what it's supposed to be! This included ribbon trim, braid and some ruched glittery Indian ribbon - by this stage I had even tried out a couple of rows of embroidery on the seam lines and positioned a few flowers cut off from another trim. And it looked like this.......

Several weeks later when I had little time to finish the project as I was going to see my sister, I spent a whole Sunday - much to my husband's stomach's annoyance - embroidering the rest of the seams putting beads and embellishments on until I thought it was enough! This proved even more difficult than usual as I had just cut my thumb rather badly cleaning the windows around the fish pool - there must have been something very sharp jutting out I didn't see, so with thumb in plaster threading a needle was pretty hard since every time I got the thread through it stuck on the plaster and pulled back out!! It was also my excuse for not cooking Sunday roast!! We had tuna fish sandwiches instead courtesy of my other half. However at last this is what I achieved ...
And stitched together with a cord ...... finally, the finished article Front and Back ...
This is the Front
And this is the Back