My latest thing is preserving flowers between material. it's a technique I got from a project called Precious Petals from Stitch magazine. I use dry wet wipes coloured with a bit of sponged ink as the base. I lay a piece of bondaweb over it, then put the flowers on then cover with another piece of bondaweb and finally lay a piece of organza on the top. You then carefiully iron over parchment pressing and sealing the whole sandwich together. I've done a lot of experimenting and flat flowers work best. Anyway after sealing it together you then embroider at will. Here are a few samples:
The one above is wild potentilla's growing in the forestry nearby plus ferns and to the left here is bluebells with a couple of dried daisies. I have actually embroidered this one but haven't photographed it yet. The one above is before embroidery and below you can see the effect you get with the embellishments and
next to it you can see the effect you get when made into a card.
These are interesting flower creations, I've not tried that version!
They are all fabulous Jenny.