Sunday, 4 August 2013

Every Inchie Monday - Evil

I seem to have been very busy this week but nothing to post - as none are finished!!  However here we are again for Every Inchie Monday and this week's title is Evil.  I'm afraid I did the first picture that formed in my head which was a Devil's pronged fork and the horns - black on red felt.  I have to say it was one of the quickest inchies I've done to date so a nice change!  Please click the link to see what others have done.


  1. I avoided the devil, tempting though it was. A great but simple inchie for you.

  2. It is always best to go with the first thing that comes to your mind

  3. That's simple but effective. Nice one!

  4. A brilliant inchie.
    xxx Hazel.
