Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Every Inchie Monday - Towel

I had two ideas for this Monday's Every Inchie Monday Challenge and couldn't decide, so guess what? - yes I did both - again!!  The first is just a towel on a pole - was wondering how I could achieve that and was imagining beads supporting a wire but then I found this plastic "ribbon" for want of a word with bobbles on so just used the two bobbles either side of the this plastic wire to support a tiny folded towel!

But then I thought it would be fun to portray a towel on a beach - maybe Arthur was sunbathing!  So here's the second "towel"

Hope you all had a good weekend - mine was manic with 5 grandchildren here and a dog to keep occupied and then I went down with a virus for two days so here's hoping life can go back to normal! - whatever that is!!!  Thank you for viewing my page and please make sure you click the link to see the other talented inchies and artwork that's out there.


  1. Two fabulous inchies, especially love the beach one. Hope you feel better now. Hope to see you soon !!

  2. love both inchies, I really adore the details in the 2nd one.

  3. Amazing sewn inchies-you are so clever

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Amazing sewn inchies-you are so clever

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Jenny, I don't know what normal is, either! Love the beach towel, my favorite kind of towel. Have a brilliant day! Cheryl

  6. love both of your inchies - the one with the towel over the beads is so clever and the detail in your beach scene is amazing - well done
