And I said I was going to do the Ottoman to match and can't believe I did it!! And I managed to make the material fit by sewing on a bit at each end to fold over! So here is the Ottoman:
And After
I still need to buy a piece of trim in matching colour to cover the tacks but all in good time! On to our challenge this week at EIM which is Rhino. I hadn't realised there were so many - I had rather fancied doing the rhino with the plates but discovered that's the Asian or Sumatran Rhino and it has much smaller horns and I rather fancied doing the two big horned variety which turns out to be the classic white rhino which is the biggest. Did you know the word rhinoceros comes from the Greek rhinokeros meaning nose horned, from rhinos meaning nose and keratos meaning horn! Anyway the poor things are being hunted for their horns for Asian medicine and are all in danger some more so than others. Such a wonderful dinosaurus looking animal, quite weird in proportion hence only getting the head and foreleg in! When I first look at trying to put these animals onto an inch in embroidery, my head rebels and thinks I can't do it, but I am getting used to the challenges now and am actually enjoying coming up with something acceptable!! So here is my white rhino grazing - I meant to do some grass tufts in green embroidery thread but realised I forgot and I've already photographed it etc so it will have to be missed!
So thank you so much for dropping by and I love your comments it is always great reading them and visiting all the other inchie makers works so please click on the EIM link to view them. Have a great week, and enjoy the summer if you can - it's tipping down here and I was just going to hang out the washing!!!