Monday, 24 July 2017

Every Inchie Monday - Camel

Do you ever have days when you feel bolshie and you don't know what to do, have loads to do and don't want to do any of it???  Well if you don't then lucky you - but I do and did ... yesterday! The house is still a mess with stuff from the moving of bedrooms around and I spent most of the day rounding up bits and bobs and packing them - but none of them were mine!!  I do have one nice room though now and painted an old (and I mean old I had it when I was 8!) wicker bedside cabinet that had been painted white once and was looking a shade more old than it needed to!!  So I bought some dark blue/green chalk paint and painted it and I must say it looks rejuvenated! So am going to do the little wicker ottoman that matches it and recover it some time this week.  I did the bedside unit on Saturday and was feeling pretty good and got my inchie prepared but was too tired to do it Saturday night!  So back to Sunday, having wandered through the house looking at the mess in despair and putting the odd bit away I found an old silk painting kit which had lost two of the paints and should be thrown away but having never done silk painting I ended up trying it out.  So I sat for an hour playing with three colours - made a right old mess of it but thoroughly enjoyed myself doing it and promptly put it in the bin when I'd finished feeling guilty about time wasted!!  So non productive again except for the throwing away which is what I need to do more of!  So finally I gave up did some tea and sat down and then remembered I hadn't finished my camel and I am determined to try and keep to Monday for blogging!  So, having put my special magnifying light away - I couldn't be bothered to get it out so with my dwindling eyesight and best pair of specs I embroidered my camel inchie and to be honest - I couldn't have cared less!  It's the first one I haven't worried over what the outcome will be.. and what will be will be - I try to give myself a challenge every time I do these little bits of art but you do really need to be in a creative and relaxed mood and I guess I just wasn't yesterday.  I am hoping this week will be more positive ... so here is camel - not my best his legs look like the feet were cut off or sunk in the sand!
Anyway hope you all have a wonderful week and thanks for calling by - love the comments you leave - some make me laugh out loud (Wendy!) and most make me smile so that is an up time of the day for me. To view other camel inchies please click here


  1. Sorry the sewing of the camel gave you the hump (sorry could't resist it) Your camel is great, and his feet are buried in the sand, it helps keep them cool !!
    I know the feeling about not wanting to do anything. If you asked Peter he would tell you I have been a bit like that for the last few weeks. He was at his son's at the weekend so I managed to forget everything else and concentrate on doing some more pages for my tree book.

  2. Your little camel is just wonderful, all woolly texture and looking independent and a bit "don't carish" too with his nose in the air, shuffling along in the sand! I occasionally get a bit grumpy and bolshie too, and I think it is mostly when the work load is a bit overwhelming or seemingly never ending. But your little wicker cabinet and ottoman refurbishment idea sounds lovely...Dixx

  3. You sound so busy but you still managed to make an amazing inchie

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Given the ambience you were creating in I think your camel turned out pretty good!


  5. Love the camel and I think being creative amongst clutter can be very freeing! Dont beat yourself up over it, and enjoy the creative moments.
